“Thank you Terri Harp Lady for this lovely tea sample! My morning tea’s are usually strong. Regular favorites are a Keemun or Assam (Butiki), Laoshan or Breakfast Blend (Verdant), Black (Teavivre)....” Read full tasting note
“Michelle sent a teaspoon of this a while back with her sale. thank you! It sounded lovely! Sadly, the sample doesn’t have much oolong in it. But it did have a ton of chamomile (which I should...” Read full tasting note
“sipdown! a sil sized cup for me and a share with a friend :) Thanks terri for sending some of this my way. For an oolong? this ain’t half bad…for a peach tea, there’s a bit of an after taste here...” Read full tasting note
“yay peach flavored things! idk guys. i was also saving this one. cuz, peach oolong, hello yes please. i love peach. i love oolong. go tea! but i’m pretty sure it has hibiscus in it. just a little....” Read full tasting note
Oolongs are well known to have intoxicating scents. Add the fresh, succulent teaches of peaches to the mix and you have a wonderfully aromatic and juicy tea. Huh? What? Right. Sip the pain away.
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