“Steep Information: Amount: 3 tsp (entire sample) Additives: none Water: 26 ounces filtered boiling Tool: Cast Iron Teapot with Mesh basket strainer Steep Time: a little over 10 minutes (7 was too...” Read full tasting note
“I had this again tonight and realized that it doesn’t taste as good as last time. Probably due to last time being when I was still under the weather. It is good, but the smell is a bit too sweet...” Read full tasting note
“Meh. I got this free sample from Jade Teapot today. I wanted this to taste like a nice juicy pear. It doesn’t. It does have some pear flavor, but it more like an unripe pear. There is some...” Read full tasting note
Sweet, flavorful herbal blend with notes of honey, caramel, and fresh baked pear.
Steep at 206F for 5-6 minutes.
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