Upcountry Maui Blend

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Cinnamon Bark, Hibiscus Blossoms, Lemongrass, Passion Flower, Rose Hips
Cinnamon, Floral, Herbaceous, Rosehips, Tangy, Tart, Wood, Herbs, Hibiscus, Lemongrass
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Tea Bag
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Edit tea info Last updated by CharlotteZero
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 17 oz / 512 ml

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6 Tasting Notes View all

  • “My mother and stepfather just got back from Hawaii on Wednesday. I asked them to keep an eye out for any Hawaiian Tea while they were there, but this is the only one my mother came across. (I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Made it through 2 packages of this herbal tea by cold brewing it. The last 4 bags tonight went into a glass pot for the house. Compared to cold brew, the body is much fuller when brewed hot and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Received two tea bags from derk, so I took one of them and brewed. Thank you derk! Unfortunately, I don’t know if I steeped it too long or too short, all I noticed was hibiscus and nothing else....” Read full tasting note
  • “Apparently it’s a bit of a CharlotteZero night today. This is another one that i begged her to try, mostly because it’s from HAWAII and well the likelihood of me getting to try many things from...” Read full tasting note

From The Hawaiian Tea Company

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6 Tasting Notes

417 tasting notes

My mother and stepfather just got back from Hawaii on Wednesday. I asked them to keep an eye out for any Hawaiian Tea while they were there, but this is the only one my mother came across. (I also got two jars of honey and a bunch of macadamia nut foodstuffs, so I’m not complaining!)

I usually don’t like anything with hibiscus, and this is no exception. It reminds me somewhat of the one hibiscus tea I do like (Tazo’s Passion Tea), but it doesn’t have enough sweet fruitiness to balance out the sour of the hibiscus, rosehips, and the lemongrass. This is going up on the swap thread to give away…

Haha. I definitely just published this note and then immediately changed my mind. I’m going to keep this and give away the Tazo. I’m liking the non-sweetness of this as it cools, and I think it would be great with some orange slices to give it a touch of sweetness. Also, these teabags are a much more convenient size for me, as it is doubtful I will ever want to drink the 2 quarts of tea the Tazo bags make.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1652 tasting notes

Made it through 2 packages of this herbal tea by cold brewing it. The last 4 bags tonight went into a glass pot for the house. Compared to cold brew, the body is much fuller when brewed hot and the flavor with more depth, though it tastes almost exactly the same. Tangy rosehips and soft floral-woody cinnamon are the big players. Hibiscus definitely takes the background. Herbal notes weave throughout. A bit of lemongrass in the aftertaste. We’re all enjoying it.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Floral, Herbs, Hibiscus, Lemongrass, Rosehips, Tangy, Tart, Wood

Boiling 8 min or more 34 OZ / 1000 ML

Keep an eye on the mailbox Monday.

Martin Bednář

Hmm, it seems I should use second bag as a coldbrew :)
So, putting it into a vessel, steeping overnight in fridge and voilá! In the morning?


Martin, that’s what I do. If you have one bag left, then 250mL is plenty of water.


mrmopar, what an awesome surprise to come home to yesterday. Thank you!

White Antlers

derk If you are still at the address mrmopar gave me, you should have received a package from me on 7/27.

White Antlers

mrmopar Thanks for your help with getting tea to folks!


Good to see you all around. Hope all is well during this posting drought. Remember “Horton Hears a Who?” Yopp!

Martin Bednář

Sadly… I haven’t seen that before, because my “Notices” don’t say anything. But I still should have that tea somewhere so I will try that derk.

Sad times nowdays on Steepster.

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2065 tasting notes

Received two tea bags from derk, so I took one of them and brewed. Thank you derk!

Unfortunately, I don’t know if I steeped it too long or too short, all I noticed was hibiscus and nothing else. It was kind of tart, flat and bit watery as well.

That said, “nothing to write home about”. Bit sad about that; hoped fro msome interesting flavour profile but.. nothing of it. Nevermind, maybe it will be better next time.

Flavors: Hibiscus, Tart

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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15588 tasting notes

Apparently it’s a bit of a CharlotteZero night today. This is another one that i begged her to try, mostly because it’s from HAWAII and well the likelihood of me getting to try many things from places far away is slim. I’m super glad that i did now. This is a really tasty non caffeine blend. I’m trying to finally take 5 mins to relax before bed and this is helping a great deal. I just wish i could place the smell. it reminds me SOOOOO strongly of something…except when i think about what, it slips away from me.

I could’t tell you what this tastes like either tonight. it’s fresh and fruity and just downright exactly what i needed right now. And it’s a marked difference from my other tea that i’m drinking which makes me giggle..though i couldn’t tell you why.

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