My boyfriend picked this up for me in Köln a while back and I am finally writing about it (and finishing it too!). The coconut lover that I am, this sounded like a perfect match for me, and apparently, the owner was ultra proud of her clever pun. For a non-native language speaker and considering they don’t even have Bounty chocolate bars in Germany (at least I don’t recall seeing them while I was there), that is seriously impressive!
The dry leaf is loaded with bits and shreds of stuff: coconut, cacao nibs, little bits of white chocolate, but in flavour, I’m getting almost all coconut, all the time. A hint of cocoa but absolutely no white chocolate. Although, this does taste a little on the oily side, if you know what I mean. Could be from the white chocolate and the coconut oils. It’s not enough to leave a DAVIDsTEA-level scum ring around the mug, but it’s altering the entire experience of the tea. Also, I’m finding that this tea doesn’t age too well. When I first got it, the coconut was rather fresh, but now it’s starting to taste a little soapy.