“Backlog. Watching this tea bloom was a feast for the eyes. Using boiling water, the bulb slowly bounces around the vessel for a bit before gracefully sinking to the bottom to allow the beautiful...” Read full tasting note
“I won this tea among a selection of flowering teas from TeaVivre in a contest. I haven’t been the greatest fan of flowering teas in the past because I’ve been unlucky enough to select poorly made...” Read full tasting note
Grown in Hulin(湖林), Fuding, Fujian, Chnia
Handmade of Silver Needle Green Tea, Globe Amaranth and Jasmine
A fragrant, sweet taste, lingering flower scent mixed with tea flavor
Low caffeine (less than 10% of a cup of coffee)
Brew a single tea bundle in a clear glass in boiling water
This attractive flower tea (blooming tea) have a great name Rising Steadily. When brewed, it unveils higher and higher in the water. The aroma is rich and refreshing, the taste is with strong and fragrance long-lasting. You will be able to smell the nature mellow of the tea and flower with an enjoyment. It is really a sumptuous spectacle for your tongue and for your eyeballs!
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