“Yoga, then Chinese Flute radio on Pandora, candles lit, and tea with hubby. He likes this one! I never thought I would see the day! Mr. Tetley-with-milk-and-sugar is drinking oolong plain and...” Read full tasting note
“I’m revisiting this one today and am a lot more impressed with it than the first time I tried it (May). Since then I have become a lot more comfortable with oolongs and gotten a lot better at...” Read full tasting note
“Drinking this straight after a cold third steep of Verdant’s Mi Lan Xiang Honey Phoenix. I’m noticing that this tastes much softer. The flavors blend and meld into each other. The autumnal taste...” Read full tasting note
“I have been waiting with great anticipation for my Teavivre samples to arrive. Though they actually did several days ago, with my recent accident I’m still less than mobile and my poor wife must do...” Read full tasting note
Origin: Xinzhu (Hsinchu), Taiwan
Ingredients: Tea buds covered in white tips, with one or two leaves
Taste: A mellow, sweet taste
Brew: 3-4 teaspoons for 8oz of water. Brew at 185 ºF (85 ºC) for 1 to 3 minutes (exact time depends on your taste – a longer time will give the tea a stronger taste and color)
Health Benefits: Oriental Beauty Oolong Tea contains plenty of polyphenols which can increase the function of enzyme for breakdown of fats, reduce the blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, anti-oxidize, have some help of anti-aging.
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