“I’ll be honest, there were two reasons I bought this: 1) it was on sale and 2) I really liked the name; in the way that I could say “I’m drinking Mr. Wang’s Hu Hong”. Well, after sampling Mr....” Read full tasting note
“I’m always a sucker for a good Chinese black tea, so when this one was deeply discounted at TeaSource, I had to give it a try. No regrets, because this tea is delicious! The dry leaf is so pretty:...” Read full tasting note
These fine, delicate, golden leaves from 2018 produce a cup that is wonderfully fragrant and a flavor that is sumptuous, rich, thick, dark, and molasses-y. It lingers on the tongue long after you’ve swallowed.
This tea was grown and made in Anhua County, Hunan Province, China.
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