Okay, last one of night before I take another pain killer. Pain getting wayy too bad to focus anyway. So guess it’s worked out that most of these teas have sucked tonight for me :P
This one tastes like a candy. I don’t really know what lychee is really, but it’s really sweet, and I feel like I’ve had a candy that tastes a lot like this before.
When I drink this it’s super sweet, and it feels like I’m drinking candy, in liquid form. xD Which is weird. I kinda like this one actually.
The only problem I have with it is that the initial flavor is sweet and good, but then it has this sharp, tart bite to it at the end of the sip. It’s so sudden too. Not entirely expected.
But I can see this tea growing on me…I think I will enjoy the rest of this sample. It’s definitely interesting. And like nothing I’ve had before. It’s just so weird…
One day I will figure out which candy it reminds me of! :P
Tons of thanks to Christina for this sample! :D
Flavors: Candy, Sour, Sweet, Tart