“I’ve been drinking this all day. I cold brewed a giant pot. I just pour cold water in a pot of the tea and refrigerate. I let it brew for 4 hours. It has beautiful delicate melony notes and is very...” Read full tasting note
Ultra low caffeine White Tea
Fuding, Fujian, China
Steepings: min. 4 times
Full of silver, whole buds, and lush green leaves. Named after the beautiful peony flower for the highest grade, the plucked buds somewhat resemble a large silver eyebrow shape. One of the most highly regarded and the most popular of all White Teas, White Peony is alternately sun dried, then indoor hot air dried for natural processing. Its brew is slightly sweet and melon like, with a bright, fresh lingering after taste. Grown at 800 meters elevation by a EU certified organic farm and processed at a ISO 9002 certified facility.
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