Japanese Fujisan Souchong

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Black Tea
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  • “No notes on Steepster for this one yet! Apparently it’s a Tealyra exclusive. I keep trying to write a note for this one, but the smoky teas are so difficult to get through that smoke to distinguish...” Read full tasting note

From Tealyra (formerly Tealux)

Lapsang Souchong originated in China accidentally many centuries ago! Tea was carried by horse to Tibet and then on to continental Europe, acquiring a distinctive strong smoked aroma along the way thanks to exposure to the smoke from the fires burnt for warmth during the cold nights!

Our Fujisan Souchong is a Japanese take on this iconic Chinese tea, with a unique and distinctly Japanese character, with a smoked body- similar to a smoky campfire, yet infuses a cup with a truly Japanese taste, its leaf is refined, smooth and welcoming; which is topped off with the signature Souchong tea note.

The cherry wood (sakura) that was used to smoke this stunning tea is from Nara, Japan! To craft this fine tea, freshly plucked 1st flush tea leaves from the Shizuoka are minimally processed by hand and then smoked with sakura wood grown in beautiful, clean, and picturesque Nara prefecture. This is truly a fine crafted Japanese take on a Chinese classic Lapsang Souchong!

About Tealyra (formerly Tealux) View company

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1 Tasting Note

4336 tasting notes

No notes on Steepster for this one yet! Apparently it’s a Tealyra exclusive. I keep trying to write a note for this one, but the smoky teas are so difficult to get through that smoke to distinguish the other flavors!  It’s certainly supposed to be a quality option from Tealyra.   And it’s certainly delicious as a smoky tea.  It’s a Japanese take on Lapsang Souchong, that Tealyra says has a “truly Japanese taste” but not really going into further detail on what it tastes like.  This is smoked with sakura/ cherry wood, so that is interesting.  Every time I steep it up I really am trying to find a difference between this and Chinese Lapsang Souchong but my tastebuds are hard pressed to find a difference.  It tastes like a smoky tea to me… nothing really bad or especially great about this tea… I’m not really selling this one to any of you, am I?
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons // 25 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 3 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep


Never had a smokey Japanese tea before. This sounds real interesting.


LuckyMe, I bet you could distinguish more in this tea than I did!

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