Sweet Berries Bouquet

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Black Tea
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From Tealyra (formerly Tealux)

Floral black tea blended with raspberry, cranberry, strawberry, almonds and bright cardamom pods for a unique tea taste experience! Sweet Berries Bouquet is full bodied, very creamy, vanilla-like. No single berry element is overpowering, so the sweet berry trio flavor is subtle, mysterious, and well balanced. Tart, warm, sweet and subtle- this is an excellent choice for a dessert tea, or something new to shake up your morning routine.

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6 Tasting Notes

1403 tasting notes

Nothing to add here. I was looking for a black and berry tea to add to another one to tone down the bergamot there. And this one did the trick.

And it’s a sipdown!

Sipdown 76
(16 of 2019)

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70 tasting notes

Not bad. I had hoped that the almonds would have been more of a presence, but alas.

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (377)

I am working from home today because (a) my client is a fucking asshole who can’t get me the documents I need but insists I send her the draft of a letter I need to write (based on the documents she has only partially provided) and (b) my boss doesn’t like confrontation and is overly stressed and as a result made a bunch of promises that now require me to work on the weekend. I’m not happy but at least I have tea..and flower bouquets my sister brought home from work.

Alas this tea isn’t so exciting. I am grateful Evol Ving Ness was kind enough to share this with me but its lacking. It has minimal berry flavor over a boring black tea. It is not bad but also doesn’t deliver much of anything.

Evol Ving Ness

Yeah, my berry tea purchase experiment from Tealyra has not been all that. You know how you start placing an order and suddenly it turns into _Give me all the berry teas. Now!"
Yeah, that. That’s the way that order went. And now, because they are all named similar things, I can’t remember which ones I liked and which ones are mostly meh.

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95 tasting notes

Either the bag wasn’t that fresh or Tealyra embellishes heavily in its descriptions, since it tasted neither floral nor particularly berrylike. “Creamy and vanila-like?” Not at all. It was weak, with a tart, almost citrusy taste. I wonder if all that orange peel had any part in that. The almonds are just a decoration, and even after cracking the cardamom pods I couldn’t taste any.

I’d wanted to try this and bought some when it was discontinued. Unlike the much better Oatmeal Cookie, I won’t regret not being able to get any more.

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15575 tasting notes

Sample from Evol Ving Ness more berries! haha i think this one would be a decent cup of tea cold brewed (or maybe just brewed and then cooled…) with some sweetner. As a warm cup of tea, there’s a floral note to this that doesn’t jive with me. You can taste the base through the flavouring, which i like..but that berry + floral note is not for me. thanks for the sample evol!

Evol Ving Ness

Yeah, you might not be getting any more berry tea cravings for a while after you reach the end of my samples.


heh with this one it was just the floral note.

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