One more sample from TheTeaFairy bites the dust. I am running out of lots of favourites so this weekend when I’m downtown doing gay things during World Pride (yay, toronto!) I plan to use up my tea budget for a couple of months and stop at DAVIDs. In the meantime, no favourites means go through these samples I have around the house.
I left this toward the bottom of the pile because:
“cranberry: bleah.
chai: could be bleah, depending on mood”
I read someone’s tasting note and the person liked it cold better. I decided to go for broke and use the entire 2-cup sample. I tried it hot in a mason jar. Then I put a couple of ice cubes in to attempt “warm” and finally more ice for the “cold” version. I added sugar, it is a bit astringent. I’m also not getting much chai in the traditional sense, but that’s bonus tonight.
Really, a somewhat cranberry tasting astringent average black tea. Meh.
Thank you TheTeaFairy for your generosity!
Yes, that is what I would think of with a name like Cranberry Chai – a very autumnal tea – perfect for drinking hot on a cold day!