“I was pretty excited to see this one in the box o’ teas teaplz sent me. Not so much because I think it will taste fantastic or anything. Just because it seems funky and fun. And oh yeah,...” Read full tasting note
“My 1st TeaGshwendner tea! Got this one from teaplz. =D The raw leaf smells sooo good! Like liquid chocolate w/ just a hint of spice. I was quite shocked at the steeping time, but decided to follow...” Read full tasting note
“This one is so bizarre. So this is the last of my TeaGschwendner teas to taste, and I really haven’t been enjoying any of their offerings. This might be near the top of the pack, however. I...” Read full tasting note
“Auggy was drinking this a couple of days ago, and so I decided to drink it as well, as I’d also gotten some from teaplz. [Folks, it took me literally five minutes to structure that sentence to a...” Read full tasting note
For the ancient Aztecs, chocolate was not a food but a drink—and hot chili powder was the addition of choice. Enjoy a pairing millennia in the making. Sometimes you just have to play with fire!
Black tea, cocoa beans, chili pepper pieces, natural flavor
Brewing tip for this particular tea: 3 grams tea leaves (1 heaping teaspoon) per 8oz. filtered or soft boiling water. Allow to brew for 2 minutes.
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