Kaluna Lime Iced Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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Lime, Sugar, Bitter, Cream, Lemon, Meringue, Vanilla
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Sil
Average preparation
Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 18 oz / 542 ml

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8 Tasting Notes View all

From TeaGschwendner

This spritz of fresh lime will invigorate your senses. Layered over a fruity, tangy Ceylon tea, this bold citrus statement makes for an ideal iced summer treat.

Ingredients: Black tea from Sri Lanka, lemon peel and flavor.

Preparation: One level teaspoon per 8oz cup of filtered water, boiled and cooled for approximately 5 minutes to 90°C/194°F. Allow to brew 2 minutes

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8 Tasting Notes

335 tasting notes

This flavor has been my go to for morning iced tea. It’s just brilliantly flavored. It’s brews into a lush deep orange. The tea base of a Ceylon tea is quite tasty. It’s brisk with no sharp astringency. It doesn’t need sugar to enjoy. It actually seems to be on the sweet side.
It is a seasonal tea, usually comes back in May. I usually buy 1/2 pound.

This tea could be for made for some wicked alcoholic drinks! Mojito?

It’s great to drink on a dull winter day.

Flavors: Lime, Sugar

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (131)

This came to me courtesy of the wonderful Sil and I finally got around to trying the sample. I dumped the whole serving into my gravity steeper and decided to make it iced given it is called an “iced tea”. This is certainly lime flavored but there is a fair amount of bitterness as well. It is like the flavor came from the rind/pith rather than the fruit itself. I wonder if that is merely age though as opposed to a reflection of the tea? Nonetheless, thank you Sil for the share :)

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3 tasting notes

This is the most refreshing ice tea i’ve ever had
I love this stuff

Flavors: Lime

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836 tasting notes

This tea is missing the tartness I expect when I taste lime. It leaves everything feeling rather flat. The black tea is a smooth base with only a twinge of bitterness near the end of the sip. The lime flavour is dull- more of a present aroma than a full flavour. However, it does bring the attention to the nice black base

Thanks to Sil for sharing!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 13 OZ / 375 ML

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16950 tasting notes

Sipdown (148)!

Queued Tasting Note. Sample comes courtesy of Sil!

Cold brewed this one (12 hours give or take an hour or two) because, since it’s intended for ‘iced’ tea that seemed like a good idea. I don’t really drink ‘iced’ tea anyway; I don’t have an kitchen equipment for making ice and never seem to be able to remember to pick up like an ice cube tray or something. So it’s just not really a convenient or realistic way for me to make tea.

This has a semi-sweet, authentic lime flavour with a touch of peel/rind and bitterness. I recently learned the term “pith” (from my word a day Calendar, funnily enough) and I’m surprised how many teas I’ve been able to apply it to that I’ve recently had – but I think it could apply a little bit to this one as well. There’s also some faint lemon notes and, at the end of the sip, a really subtle cream flavour. The black base is brisk with a little bit of pleasant astringency.

This is pretty good as a cold brew; definitely a bit better than ‘average’ although I’ve certainly had better lime teas, even recently, and it’s not something that I’d want to order for myself. It’s just missing something that makes the lime flavour ‘jump’, if you will. Sure, maybe sweetner could make this a little more vibrant but I think it boils down to not having enough ingredients to create a in depth, ‘round’ flavour. It’s just a touch flat/monotone.

Flavors: Bitter, Cream, Lemon, Lime

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863 tasting notes

I love iced tea! Hot tea, too, of course, but I drink cold teas with meals and so it is a much more year round thing for me. This tea is another sipdown sample that comes from the ever generous Sil!

Glad I saw this only needs to be brewed for 2 minutes – I initially set the timer for 4 minutes but then decided to check and was able to yank out the steeper just in time. I added my preferred amount of sugar for iced tea and waited (rather impatiently) for dinner tonight.

I first had lime iced tea at a mexican restaurant around here and I fell for it HARD. Iced tea with lemon has never worked for me but iced tea with lime? It paired so well with the flavors of mexican food (my most favorite of all foods) that it has become my favorite flavoring to add to any iced tea, any time.

This tea was a surprise in that it was kind of creamy lime – like lime and vanilla? Only it’s actually the other way around – you get the vanilla first and a citrusy lime tang later. Like a lime flavored meringue, I guess. More of a desserty tea, actually, so I’m surprised it’s recommended to be iced.

Seriously, it’s kind of like key lime pie iced tea. Weird! Not bad, but not exactly the flavor profile I was expecting. I have had lime teas that worked better iced, so while I enjoyed trying this one I don’t think its one I’ll buy. It was fantastic getting to try it though!

Flavors: Lime, Meringue, Vanilla

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

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15575 tasting notes

i’m lazy tonight. I need to book our vacation and i can’t decide where to go. At this rate, we’ll be booking last minute and just going “somewhere.” this is not typical of the planner that i am.

this tea? it’s supposed to be an iced tea…but, well, i’m lazy tonight…so i made it hot..and guessed on steeping paramters….added a little sugar and bam. it’s tasty! so there. more to come another night.


When are you going??? :) Come to Las Vegas in November and keep me company while my husband is at his conference. :)


haha we’re trying to find somewhere for nov 22 ish… so far thinking cuba or costa rica


Ooo. That sounds great. :) We are doing a southwestern road trip the last part of November. New car ritual.


You should totally go to Costa Rica!! They have sloths there! I love sloths-they are the best!


YES. Costa Rica! I have a friend there right now, and my parents went for 3 weeks and had a blast.

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