White Chocolate

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Rooibos Tea
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6 Tasting Notes

16945 tasting notes

Hot w/ milk.

I went and saw the new Joker movie last night after work – I’ve got conflicting feelings about it as a whole, even though I mostly enjoyed it overall. For what it’s worth I’m not a huge DC/Batman fan so my opinion may as well be taken w/ a grain of salt, but I just felt like it could have been a stronger movie (based on the themes and social commentary they explored) were it not tied in to The Joker and rather just a general character exploration. As a “Joker” movie I don’t think it fits with the overall character of The Joker based on the comics, and not in a way that feels innovative but more in a way that kind of devalues the aspects that make him so notable!?

But JP did an excellent job in that role, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. As far as his acting and the cinematography are concerned, it was a 10/10.

I was going to try to bring a thermos of tea with me into the theater, as I often used to do with DT’s Movie Night blend – however I ended up running late leaving for the show and I didn’t have time to steep anything.

I made a mug of this tea, with milk, when I got home because I wanted something sweet and smooth to warm me up from the walk back to my apartment from the theater. It wasn’t a long way, about ten minutes, but it was like eleven at night and it’s starting to get chilly out and I was only wearing a T-shirt.

I drank half the mug, found it average at best, and then fell asleep. With the rate I’ve been falling asleep after half consuming mugs of tea I’m actually surprised I’ve yet to nod off with a mug in my hand…


I saw this one at home too. It seemed to bounce around a bunch.


So I went to see Joker and at the end of the day, being a movie about Joker, it was bound to be disturbing. That is why I was floored when I realized some woman brought her children to it!

Roswell Strange

Oh yeah – it was rated R so I expected some gory stuff.


There was even articles where people were so disturbed, they walked out. Granted there are more disturbing Joker stories in the comics so people who walked out clearly did not know what they were walking into but for a woman to bring 2 elementary school aged children…that just seemed like a bad call on her part

Roswell Strange

I had a coworker who went to see it who was just appalled by the level of graphic violence and I generally consider her a very reasonable/sensible person so I was braced for it to be truly awful but I actually personally thought it was much milder than I’d have expected it to be. Definitely agree that 100% it’s too much for elementary aged kinds though; that’s a bad parenting moment for sure.

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