Nepalese Ruby Black

Tea type
Black Tea
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Loose Leaf
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  • “From subscription box I first had this a couple of days ago. But never got around to writing up some notes. And then I came in the next day and rebelled at drinking this one two days in a row. ...” Read full tasting note

From Tea Runners

This rare artisan small-batch tea is carefully rolled to give it a fine twist, then completely oxidized for up to 26 hours at an elevation of 6500+ ft. The constant flow of mist in the air at this elevation makes oxidation slow, allowing the artisan tea producer to achieve maximum desired color and aroma. It is then dried and matured with time and perfection.

Ruby Black is an excellent morning tea, lively and uplifting with stone fruit aromas and notes of raisin, roasted pecans, and chocolate.

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1 Tasting Note

272 tasting notes

From subscription box

I first had this a couple of days ago. But never got around to writing up some notes. And then I came in the next day and rebelled at drinking this one two days in a row. Its already not sounding good.

This is difficult to describe. There’s like a roasted scent/flavor here. One that does not play well with others. I sometimes like to have a little chocolate with my tea in the afternoons. The combination of 100% dark chocolate and this tea pretty much makes a flavor combination that reminds me of fish. Ugh.

Its not horrible, but I am just not a fan. I’m honestly not a big fan of the roasted flavor in general. And while it is mild here, the fish thing is just too much for me. Too many other teas out there for me to try to force something that just isn’t my thing.

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