Another new tea from my trip to Jasper. This one smelled heavenly in the store, very vanilla and a nice hint of bergamot. Even in the bag it smells not too bad, a bit more soapy maybe, but still tasty.
Unfortunately, when brewed, it takes on the smell of perfume, Chantilly I think, or whatever one it is that my grandma wears. The flavor is not bad initially, I get a black tea with bergamot, but the aftertaste is just too perfumy for me. Maybe the bag needs to air a bit before I make any more, I will try to leave it open and hopefully the flavor improves!
So far, not the tea for me. But I will leave a rating off in case airing it makes my thoughts change!
woot, Jasper!
I love it there soo much :D want to go back asap, but it is a long drive haha, 4 hours there and 4 back :(