Paleozoic Peat

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Black Tea
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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown (624)! First pot of tea from the day; a bigger Western style one. This one was passed to me by VariaTEA – and it smells really lovely. Very strong and malty/sweet. I was excited at the idea...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Sil for sharing this…I don’t even know how long ago. It was my breakfast tea along with some homemade cornbread I got from a friend. Simple but delicious! The tea is a bit astringent at...” Read full tasting note
  • “Started out my morning with this one since i shared some with VariaTEA and need to share a bit with my tea sister. Love having a sipdown AND a good solid cup of morning tea :) thanks nicole! ...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is good. Plain. Highly astringent mid and tail end of the sip. Malty throughout, in the aftertaste as well. I didn’t much like it sans milk or sugar so it’s a bit one dimensional. It reminds...” Read full tasting note

From Tea-Historic

This tea comes from the certified organic and sustainable Chota Tingrai estate in Assam, India. The leaves are very broken and small. They are suitable for use in a fine mesh strainer or tea ball but not suitable for a gaiwan.

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7 Tasting Notes

16967 tasting notes

Sipdown (624)!

First pot of tea from the day; a bigger Western style one. This one was passed to me by VariaTEA – and it smells really lovely. Very strong and malty/sweet. I was excited at the idea of having it as a strong morning cup of tea/‘breakfast tea’ sort of replacement.

It’s a fair bit astringent, but underneath all of that initial distracting dryness is a really nice typical Assam profile – sweet and malty, with honey and freshly baked bread notes. I also think it’s a little bit raisin-y in its undertones. After my first teacup worth I decided to stir in a couple lumps of rock sugar to help with the strong astringency and hints of bitterness. They did, a bit. Also seemed to really accentuate the raisin notes.

As this one cooled down it got considerably more bitter. Milk probably would have been a good addition to this one, also. Especially as a ‘breakfast tea’ like I was sorta thinking.

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6444 tasting notes

Thank you Sil for sharing this…I don’t even know how long ago. It was my breakfast tea along with some homemade cornbread I got from a friend. Simple but delicious!

The tea is a bit astringent at the end of the sip but mostly that plays off the stonefruit note I am getting throughout the rest of the sip. It is plain and a touch one dimensional for my tastes but ultimately pleasant enough and nicely compliments the corn bread. Not my favorite tea but I am still grateful for the chance to try it :)

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15588 tasting notes

Started out my morning with this one since i shared some with VariaTEA and need to share a bit with my tea sister. Love having a sipdown AND a good solid cup of morning tea :) thanks nicole! (130 teas in the cupboard now thanks to VariaTEA)

Terri HarpLady

How many did you have before the box arrived?


i was down to about 80


Hahaha awesome.


i drink fast…i’m not worried. My puerh is more worrisome than samples.

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1764 tasting notes

This is good. Plain. Highly astringent mid and tail end of the sip. Malty throughout, in the aftertaste as well. I didn’t much like it sans milk or sugar so it’s a bit one dimensional.
It reminds me of Tim Horton’s tea. Or rather, a good cup of Tim’s tea… what I hope for it to be anyhow! Tim’s tends to be hit and miss, no idea why…
Also this is my second cup today. First one I tried with the hot tap water, second one was with boiled kettle water.
I definitely like the latter better, as it has more complexity and depth. First cup was much the same, only the liquor was thicker and the flavours were muted. Still, not bad for when I’m in a rush I suppose.
Also? total klutz moment as I dumped milk all over our carpeted floor. le sighs
Thank you for the sample Nicole!!


Those were pretty much my thoughts as well. Nothing fancy or complex but more malt than I expect in leaves that small. I think it’s a good morning tea.


Definitely! I would bet it is very forgiving as a blunder through my half awake morning routine :P

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