Marzipan - 952

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by darby
Average preparation
Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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4 Tasting Notes View all

  • “First to make a tasting note for this one? Thanks Darby, for sending this with our trade! The steep color is a medium brown. I guess I always expect black teas to have a deeper color. But this...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I got this in a swap aaaages ago from darby, I believe. Thanks for the swap, and sorry it took me so long to get around to it. I probably should have been drinking it before, because now I am...” Read full tasting note
  • “Second try at posting this note. Steepster is having issues this afternoon. Thanks to Tea Sipper for sending this to me in trade. I’m highly enjoying it. The almond in it is coming along pretty...” Read full tasting note

From Tea Haus

A sugar-free, almond filled offering sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. Black tea from India, almond bits, and natural flavor.

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4 Tasting Notes

4337 tasting notes

First to make a tasting note for this one? Thanks Darby, for sending this with our trade!

The steep color is a medium brown. I guess I always expect black teas to have a deeper color. But this one didn’t have a ton of flavor either. That’s a good thing though, because there wasn’t a ton of almond flavor that would have been masked by a stronger black tea. I’m pretty sure most of the almond taste didn’t come from the few tiny almond bits in the blend, but the “natural flavoring”. And the almond was really only present with a few of the sips and mostly at the top of the cup. I wish there were more to say about this one! Nothing terrible but nothing special.


That’s a shame. With a name like that, it should be fragrant with almond with hints of rose, orange, and vanilla. I’m a big fan of the stuff it’s named for.


I had no idea what what marizpan is.. but I definitely don’t think I got any rose or orange in this. I’ll keep that in mind though, the next time I drink it!


Marzipan is traditionally ground almonds with sugar and rosewater. Sometimes it’s made with orange blossom water and/or vanilla. It’s an old world candy traditionally colored (sometimes gilded) and shaped into fruits or used to cover cakes.


ah, okay. That sounds delicious.

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2201 tasting notes

So I got this in a swap aaaages ago from darby, I believe. Thanks for the swap, and sorry it took me so long to get around to it. I probably should have been drinking it before, because now I am losing my taste for teas like this. This is definitely sourced from TeaGschwendner, and I haven’t had the best success with their base teas, which is part of the reason I have put off trying it for so long. Also I think I got it around the time when I was starting to have a harder time with nut teas.

I will say, I am enjoying it more than I thought I would. It probably has lost some flavor and potency over time, but it’s still marzipanny. It’s not bitter, but it’s also kind of boring. There is maybe a hint of something off about it, perhaps the nuts in the blend. I am finding that I dislike actual nuts in my tea, and although I love nut flavoring, real nuts give off some kind of something when steeped that doesn’t sit right with me.

I will probably take this home and drink it strong with milk and sugar. Perhaps I can coax more flavor out of it that way.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Strong with milk and sugar is how I really enjoy it.

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772 tasting notes

Second try at posting this note. Steepster is having issues this afternoon. Thanks to Tea Sipper for sending this to me in trade. I’m highly enjoying it. The almond in it is coming along pretty strong to me and is leaving an absolutely lovely aftertaste for me to savour. It is pretty sweet too, above and beyond the sweetener I added to it. A touch of milk adds some creaminess that I think this tea needed and the whole thing is really nice. Good tea.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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