Sipdown (621)!
Ok – I’m just gonna say it, Raspberry Licky Legs is a terrible tea name. It just sounds revolting. Is that an actual thing in Australia? Like a candy or something!? I’m imaging that the ‘licky’ in ‘licky legs’ is supposed to be like licorice since I’ve seen that done by other tea companies – but it’s still unfortunate.
This was a weird tea, regardless of the name, though – the dry leaf smelled really nice: a bright raspberry note with the sweetness of licorice making it pop a little more, without being too licorice. Kind of reminded me of the smell of Red Vines, but more raspberry? However, steeped up there was a very strange savory/brothy element to the infusion that really through me for a loop – like drinking an infusion of very sweet, smooth liquid raspberry flavoured red licorice if someone had spilled just a bit of chicken noodle soup in the cup. Started off good, then just moved to a very weird place. Also some floral chamomile notes; which felt out of place too and just aren’t my thing in general.
Thanks for sharing this one VariaTEA – it was an interesting experience, and a really unique tea but I just don’t think it’s for me.
Commenting to add that I just saw the tin art for this tea, on the Steepster entry for it, and that put me through a whole rollercoaster of other emotions. It’s generally a pretty cool design, but the birds(?) definitely have a testicle like appearance at a glance…
Fitting if the contents were teabags.