Gongfu Sipdown (1859)!
Thanks to the Montreal Tea Festival for gifting me this sample a little while back!
The dry leaf aroma was intensely buttery and smelled as if you were walking into the cinema and being blasted with movie theater popcorn. The taste, however is much more smooth and gentle by comparison. It’s still plenty buttery but the popcorn taste is more like stovetop popcorn with a slight toasty nuttiness to it that movie theater popcorn lacks. It’s also very creamy, with hints of coconut to the undertones. I’ve been drinking a lot of darker teas this past week, so this oolong session is a big change of pace this afternoon – but definitely a very welcome one!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CingfXbuaEM/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On1WHxo43Fg