This shou kicked my ass earlier this week! Super intense session filled with deeply petrichor rich with wet decaying wood and forest undergrowth flavours filling out the body of this robust pu’erh. The liquor is thick and oily w/ heavy undertones of clove, cassia oil, and sandalwood and a camphorous finish that hits you in the gut – all in an incredibly way. This is basically all my favourite things in a ripe pu’erh!! Something like seven steeps total, so not the most longevity – but it makes the most out of each steep.
Thanks Red Phoenix for sharing!
Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CGN8dFvgDe_/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze-HcLf5Zhg&ab_channel=Nan%C3%A9-Topic