SBT: Mango Sherbet

Tea type
Black Tea
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Tea Bag
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Edit tea info Last updated by 52Teas
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Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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  • “Sipdown (598)! Made a large pitcher of this one yesterday, cold brewed. I’m sipping on a big tumbler of it right now while I try to power through these last tasting notes – I can’t help but wonder...” Read full tasting note
  • “Today’s work SBT, prepared the usual way. I was wondering how well mango would pair with what usually comes across as quite a malty black base, but the answer is pretty well. The mango is strong;...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog: I really liked this iced tea flavor. I believe I may have passed some of it along to my daughter who also loved it. The mango flavor is strong. Notes of cream to create the “sherbet”...” Read full tasting note

From Southern Boy Teas

Premium Organic black tea with organic flavors. Each 14g teabag will make one 2-quart pitcher of DELICIOUS iced tea. Re-steep the teabag and you can get a full gallon out of each one. Steep in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. (3 minutes MAX.) Then combine with ice and water to make a 2-quart pitcher. It couldn’t be simpler—OR more delicious!

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3 Tasting Notes

16950 tasting notes

Sipdown (598)!

Made a large pitcher of this one yesterday, cold brewed. I’m sipping on a big tumbler of it right now while I try to power through these last tasting notes – I can’t help but wonder what this would have tasted like when it was “fresh”. ‘Cause, like, this tea is old as hell but it still tastes REALLY good. Very smooth and sweet, with a bit of a mix of mango and honey notes, and a little floral tinge to the undertones. I think both the honey and florals are actually coming from the black tea base and not the flavourings – I recall that combo being present in a lot of Frank’s black tea blends. Still, the mango is surprisingly strong and well defined for the age of this tea. It’s definitely sherbet-like.

I bet it would have been awesome fresh though; probably much more juicy/bright. Even still, I’m into the current profile…


I wonder if I have some of this one…. (Full disclosure: I believe I have the entire, unopened, 12 iced teas of Christmas from Frank’s last year blending.. haha. But I don’t think this was one of those.)

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2238 tasting notes

Today’s work SBT, prepared the usual way. I was wondering how well mango would pair with what usually comes across as quite a malty black base, but the answer is pretty well. The mango is strong; fruity, juicy, and peppery in the best way, so the black tea is only really present in the background. I feel like sometimes there’s a bit of a battle between the base and the flavouring with SBTs, but it’s not the case here.

This one is supposed to be mango sherbet, and it’s only at this point that it really falls down. There’s a wonderful creaminess (again, strong), but it’s really not reminiscent of sherbet, at least to me. Mango and cream, though, yes, and that’s more than good enough for me.

I enjoyed this one. Strong, accurate flavours, deliciously fruity and creamy, smooth, unobtrusive base. It makes me sad to think that I haven’t got anymore of this one, and that once it’s gone this time, it really is gone forever. Sad times.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes


I really liked this iced tea flavor. I believe I may have passed some of it along to my daughter who also loved it.

The mango flavor is strong. Notes of cream to create the “sherbet” flavor and I like the way this flavor melds with the natural malty tones of the black tea. It’s quite a delicious combination.

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