I was shocked to see that I have never logged this one. This probably also means I have not had it yet, even though it has been in my cupboard for five months. This is one of the teas my daughter picked up in Budapest. It is a bagged tea, and not really packaged with freshness in mind, so it may be a bit lackluster, which will be my fault for not putting it in a tin!
Anyway, having now brewed this tea, about all I have to say is that it is tea. It smelled so very malty that I thought it was going to be tongue-curlingly astringent. It wasn’t, though. It is just a black tea blend. I added sugar, something I almost never ever do, and it was pretty good. Then I iced it, and voila! It is much better as sweet iced tea, and would probably be decent with something like an Everything Bagel even as a hot tea.
I would also like some kudos for actually proofreading my review this time and eliminating some astonishing autocorrect fiascos that could have been quite embarrassing.
Something tells me you are the life of the party at work, :D
You know, I get blamed for a lot of things that …