SkySamurai’s mystery advent tea #11 backlog from 12/24
Penultimate tea here! I didn’t want to post all the advent teas at once, so it has taken a while. I think I have shuffled through about 85% of my holiday teas during the holidays so I would say that was successful (mainly because I skipped most of the Angry Tea Room advent teas this year.) But I enjoyed this advent! The tea for today looks like a black tea and has an aroma of a plain black tea – like a robust bready black tea. I can’t detect any flavors so it must be plain, which is a nice change of pace from all the flavored teas in my collection lately. It’s a strong black tea! Lots of tannins. My guess: English Breakfast. Was I correct? Yes. Sipology has many interesting looking teas….
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for full mug // 20 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 30 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep
2021 Sipdowns: 14 Cornelia Bean – Academy Road Rooibos