Caramel Latte

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaEqualsBliss
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “sipdown! today is a random drinking tea sort of day. mostly, whatever grabs my fancy when i happen to be standing near the kettle. :) MissB was kind enough to send a little of this one my way,...” Read full tasting note
  • “I thought I already reviewed this one but it doesn’t look like it logged. So…here goes! This certainly smells and tastes like coffee or a coffee latte.It has a hazelnut hint to it too both in...” Read full tasting note
  • “(This sample was generously provide to me by Shanti Tea. Thank you Team Shanti) Dry Leaf: Has a sweet caramel like aroma with a light coffee aroma with a very faint floral aroma way off in the...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is not the bold hit of flavour I was expecting based on the gorgeous thick caramel scent coming off the dry leaf. It’s a mild, tannin-heavy, raisin-y black with the barest whisper of coffee,...” Read full tasting note

From Shanti Tea

A rich blend coffee beans, black tea, and sunflower petals and natural essence.

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5 Tasting Notes

15575 tasting notes

sipdown! today is a random drinking tea sort of day. mostly, whatever grabs my fancy when i happen to be standing near the kettle. :) MissB was kind enough to send a little of this one my way, for which i am thankful! this is one that i’ve been wanting to try for a while now but keep putting off because i HATE shanti’s website. i hate having to sign in to add things to a cart…i hate that you don’t know whether the tea is in stock or not until you click through to the tea – and they often have a lot of teas not in stock…it’s just not a pleasant experience combines with shipping prices that aren’t great.

Which of course makes me sad because i like supporting Canadian tea shops. So the’s…kinda bland. There’s a coffee taste hanging out in the background of the cup, but the brew isn’t a smooth blend. I don’t want to say it’s bitter because it wasn’t really but it was slightly dark. The caramel taste is slightly present but not enough for me to say wow. I hope this isn’t what justjames tastes when he drinks caramel flavoured teas lol
Still though, i’m happy to have tried it! thanks missb!


Oh weird, I never even tried doing a mock order with them but that sounds like a mess. Too bad the actual tea (at least this one) isn’t that great either.


some of them are pretty tasty..but then they’re always out of stock when i go to try and get more lol


This was gifted to me by another Steepster, and I have yet to try it. Good to know about their website!

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6768 tasting notes

I thought I already reviewed this one but it doesn’t look like it logged. So…here goes!

This certainly smells and tastes like coffee or a coffee latte.It has a hazelnut hint to it too both in taste and aroma.

At times when I think it’s like sucking on a coffee bean…I start picking up other flavors to really make me think…black tea…nuttiness…floral…it’s different but good.

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60 tasting notes

(This sample was generously provide to me by Shanti Tea. Thank you Team Shanti)
Dry Leaf: Has a sweet caramel like aroma with a light coffee aroma with a very faint floral aroma way off in the background.
Wet Leaf: Has a warm sweet malty aroma with a touch of floral.
Liquor: Is deep dark amber think almost like black coffee.
Taste: At first it was supper bitter. I couldn’t drink it plain. I added milk and sugar than this tea turn sweet almost caramel like and malty with a touch of a floral flavor in the background and it did not overwhelm the tea either. The broth of this tea is kind of watery and leaves almost a raisin flavor that lingers in the mouth.
Overall Opinion: I have to give this a 86. I tend to drink my teas plain without adding anything to it. But, this tea came off very bitter plain. I added sugar and milk which made a big difference for this tea. I think this is a great morning tea that any coffee drinker could find a pleasurable alternative to there normal coffee routine.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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681 tasting notes

This is not the bold hit of flavour I was expecting based on the gorgeous thick caramel scent coming off the dry leaf. It’s a mild, tannin-heavy, raisin-y black with the barest whisper of coffee, and a hint of caramel which becomes more prominent after adding milk and sugar. I’m a little disappointed, but probably had unfair expectations because of how much I enjoy actual caramel lattes. Plus, this came to me a good while ago courtesy of MissB so as always with my current tasting notes take it with a pinch of salt. I read through the other tasting notes on this tea, though, and it seems like even fresh it was lacking in the flavour department. Oh, well. Can’t win them all.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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79 tasting notes

I drank this straight initially, but found it kind of… dirty tasting? It was definitely bitter, but the first thought in my head was that it tasted dirty. This benefits big-time from some milk (almond) and sweetener (sugar). I also found I liked it much more as it cooled, but that’s something I often find. It’s decent, but not particularly strong, so I’ll probably be sticking to other teas for those days I crave coffee. Though, if you prefer a milder coffee flavour, this could do the trick!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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