Thankfully I took yesterday off work as a comp day for the time I’d spent working over the weekend because when I got up in the morning my voice was so shot. I truly sounded like a dying toad.
I used that extra time off for rest/recovery, but also to add my grossly shameful Tea Festival shopping haul into Steepster. Plus I drank a lot of tea – including this one which was something I’d sampled at the festival and liked enough to bring a bag home with me. It was a nice tea to sip on during the lazy morning of logging teas into the datebase.
I wanted to check out Selicious Teas last year at the festival (it was their first year attending) but their booth was so packed I never got a chance to wiggle in. This year I was looking before the show floor actually opened to the public so I had a quiet environment to sample in. This one stood out to me because the cinnamon was so smooth, without either being cloying/sweet or drying and woody. I also found that the tea had a really pleasant custard-like flavour. Not vanilla/cream which would give this a sort of cinnamon bun profile, but specifically the type of golden custard you might have in a flan. It felt kind of unique in that way!