I woke up late this morning and wanted tea. However, I didn’t have time to make any, but remembered that the wife made some iced tea on Sunday. I filled a tumbler full, got ready, and went to work.
When I was at work, I thought, “Gee, this is nice, but on the account it’s cold outside, iced tea was a terrible idea.” After a few minutes of settling in, and getting the students ready, I got a phone call from the wife, telling me that the door became unhinged while she was driving to get gas, and that it had fallen off at the gas station. So, I told my assistant to prepare the students for the day, and left.
While on the road, I called my director and told her that I had to leave. She thought the situation was unfortunate and told me to take the day off; she’d get a substitute in for the afternoon. We both had a good laugh about it, though. I mean, who has a car door fall off?!
When I finally made it to the station, there were plenty of people standing about looking at my wife sitting in the doorless car. I felt awful. I told my wife that I would drive home (which was less than a mile away from the station) in the car, and that she should go to work. Meanwhile, I was cold and wanted a hot cup of tea. My fingers and face were numb, but fortunately the drive was less than 10 minutes. I had to drive slowly and cautiously.
When I got the car home, I noticed the tumbler of iced tea. And decided to finish the tea off before making another cup. And it was soothing, but cold. I think this tea is good cold. However, as a hot tea, it doesn’t work. Plus, as far as bagged teas go, I’m too picky when using them. I prefer loose leaf.
Anyway, this is good iced. And that’s all I’ll say about it.
Flavors: Plum