Lewis & Clark Traveling Teabox – Tea #5
First tasting note for this one?! Intriguing list of ingredients! Banana, mango, cranberry, cinnamon, chamomile (that looks like to me like roman chamomile which is my FAVORITE.) The scent of the steeped tea is lovely and fruity. The black tea is the perfect strength to showcase these flavors. I notice the ripe authentic banana first, then ripe authentic mango is there (including, I swear, the starchiness!), then there are hints of cranberry. I don’t think all of those ingredients were even the infuser… I don’t think any cinnamon made it to my infuser either. Then there is a sweetness that reminds me of vanilla. The only way this blend could be improved is if there were actual vanilla. Banana and mango tea fans, try this one! Juicy fruity magic! The second steep was a little odd but the steep time might have been too long OR it was because I let the leaves sit overnight. This is going on my wishlist.
Steep #1 // few min after boiling // 4 min
Steep #2 // just boiled // 4+min