The small leaf tea varietals of Southwestern Hubei, China produce assertive, lively green teas. Rishi’s Xiang Mei is classified as Chaoqing: pan fired in a process similar to traditional Chun Mee green tea. Xiang Mei is of a much higher quality than common Chun Mee, which is typically produced during the summer harvests. Xiang Mei was harvested in late March, and the tender two leaves and a bud are skillfully pan fired in small batches with strict control. This prevents smoking or burning of the leaf such as is apparent in many Gunpowder or Mee Cha grades available in the market. Xiang Mei is perfect for the green tea drinker that likes a strong, energizing cup with a nutty, toasty aroma but without the strong, smoky or bitter edge found in most pan-fired green teas. Xiang Mei was a small, 18 kg test batch that Rishi designed for the sole purpose of introducing a high quality, pan-fired tea. Xiang Mei has a nice balance of strength, briskness and toasted peanut aroma with an unmistakable spring mouthfeel and complexity.