“After talking about black tea’s this morning I got a craving for a big mug of this. Sometimes nothing beats a strong and simple black tea. With one sugar and a splash of milk this wonderful tea is...” Read full tasting note
“This is my Old Reliable, my fail-safe, my Willow Rosenberg of teas. I drink it when I’m in a hurry, or when I can’t find any of my tea-brewing apparatus, or just when I can’t be bothered with the...” Read full tasting note
Excellent strength and flavour, a more traditional connoisseur’s style tea.
Similar in many ways to our Kenyan Gold Teabags, our Connoisseur blend is sourced from the KTDA (Kenya Tea Development Agency), who are a group dedicted to the production of fine quality teas from smallholder farmers throughout Kenya. Each farmer becomes a shareholder in the factory they supply and therefore have a direct input into the management of the factory, whilst also sharing in its success. This arrangement drives a continuous improvement philosophy throughout the production process, ultimately resulting in the best quality green leaves being transformed into the best quality finished tea. Then, in addition, we have developed close links with a small number of the the best factories to produce our own grade of leaf which is then traditionally packed and delivered directly to Ringtons so that we can blend our Connoisseur tea.
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