Decaffeinated Black Tea

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Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Harfatum
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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From Red Rose

For tea lovers with concerns about caffeine we offer Red Rose Naturally Decaffeinated tea bags. Red Rose is decaffeinated using the natural EA process and once brewed produces a bright, pleasant cup of tea.

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8 Tasting Notes

59 tasting notes

Intensely mediocre, with little flavor. The girlfriend complained that it didn’t just taste bland, but it was actively bad. I finished my cup, she didn’t finish hers. I didn’t think it was quite so awful with milk, but it had little flavor in any case. Not recommended.

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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35 tasting notes

Note to self: Honey makes this one drinkable. Still bland, but at least I will be able to finish the box.

3 min, 45 sec

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12 tasting notes

Unappealing. After the decaffeination process, there is little flavour left. It is muddy and brownish with a dull, nondescript taste. With milk, it is thin, watery and greyish. Chemical residues are not appealing, either. I have given up on decaffeinated teas and coffees. There are many naturally caffeine-free beverages to enjoy.

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3009 tasting notes

Cortisone shot in a shoulder with a messed up rotator cuff. Doc said a possible side effect might be a little insomnia tonight. Right now, I’m so beat, I can’t see how that can possibly be an issue…but as a precaution, I’ve been off caffeine all afternoon.

Sun tea’d a quart of this poor, undervalued, unloved bagged baby with a generous helping of sprigs from our applemint plant. (Me. Not killing plants. People who know me should be laughing in disbelief by now :) It was absolutely fine.


I knew you could do it!


ah, I hope it helps. I want some cortisone shots with my shoulder problems but Dr says none until August at the earliest.


K S … we think the magic is the pots. Stuff we put in our ground is doomed. I have a flower bed by the front sidewalk that kills marigolds and zinnias.

TB…insomnia confirmed, but typical morning pain wasn’t there. It’s a temporary fix; I need to pretend I’m an invalid for a couple of weeks to promote healing. Life without shoulders the weekend we move elderly dad back to the farm. Ought to be interesting :)


Oh, no! I am sorry! Rest, and baby that sore spot. I had a cortisone shot once. I wrote outlandish, horrible expensive-to-implement business proposals for my boss (thank goodness, I never gave them to him) and ate EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!!!!


Dr. didn’t recommend a sling, but it is hard not to instinctively use it. (I’m a lefty, but do most “chores” right handed.) Have moved mouse to left side and am propping with a pillow at my work desk. We’ll see how that works.


I’m a lefty too. I also do many things right handed. My wife had surgery on both shoulders (different times) for torn rotator cuff. Cortisone did not help her at all. Hoping better for you but with what you have going on at the moment that sounds not so likely. Sorry for the pain. If it is any consolation my wife recovered very quickly both times after surgery. As for the ground – hey that’s what happens when you build over a nuclear dump site ;)


Close. Former lead mining community.




Another lefty here, also a mirror writer.

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