Lapsang Souchong

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Black Tea
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Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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4 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This weekend I decided to experiment with some of my Souchong teas. Of the 3 classic Lapsang Souchong teas this one and Nina’s tied. This one is more refreshing but Nina’s is sweeter and holds up...” Read full tasting note
  • “sipdown! The rest of this is going over to terri to try. I am really enjoying this tea a bunch. It’s not an overly intense smokey tea – there are sweet notes in it and it’s got a depth to it that...” Read full tasting note
  • “Well, that’s a surprise – I just drank a cup of this and thought it was absolutely delicious! I only ordered it (the 10 g sample size) on a whim, because I have thought for a long time that I don’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a pleasant Lapsang, shared with me by (you guessed it) Sil. The aroma of the leaf is highly smokey, however the actual brewed tea is not nearly as smoky as the aroma would have implied....” Read full tasting note

From PureAromaTea

The famous smoky tea from China. Good lapsang tea has a rather sweet, tarry flavour. Many find it wonderfully refreshing, especially in hot water. Lapsang Souchong tea can best be enjoyed without milk, but a little may be used if desired. Delicious with a slice of lemon.

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4 Tasting Notes

437 tasting notes

This weekend I decided to experiment with some of my Souchong teas. Of the 3 classic Lapsang Souchong teas this one and Nina’s tied. This one is more refreshing but Nina’s is sweeter and holds up to more steeps.

The dry leaf of this one smells like a campfire with a hint of sweetness and spice that is achieved when burning
hardwood and fall leaves. The tea has a scent overtone of mint and pine and a good measure ofsweetness like semi ripe plums.
The dry leaves are mix of black brown and a touch of grey, you can see the veins on some of the leaves.

It brews to a medium transparent orangey peach brown.

The tea has a scent of light smoke, sweet fruit tones, sap, pine, and sugar syrup. It is not as sweet tasting as it smells, but it is still sweet. Light upper tones disappear almost instantly to deeper plum and grainy tones at the back of the throat which are then followed by an after taste of wood and pine smoke. It is mildly astringent. There is a mild freshening feeling at the front of the mouth as part of a tangy sweet/piney fresh aftertaste.

There is a faint taste of sour cherry. The tart fruit notes dominate over the smoke. The tea is quite refreshing. The aftertaste is accompanied by tingling, cooling sensation. I could see myself ordering this in the future. It Tastes like a slightly damp fall day
once everyone starts lighting their fireplaces. It actually brings back a vivid memory of the scent and taste of woodsmoke in Urbania, Italy. I had been there a couple of weeks when one day the air was full of woodsmoke. At first, I thought it was due to the kilns as there are a lot of pottery works there, but later I found out it was due to the drop in temperature. Electricity is expensive ( my landlord reccommended only turning on the furnace for two hours a day) and many people are using either wood or charcoal to heat or suplement the heating of their houses. This is not my photo but I lived on the top floor of the building on the left and had a huge (capable of waliking into it) fireplace in the kitchen.

3 min second steep. The scent is less sweet, but there is still a potent taste with a stronger reference to smoke, pine mint and grain with an almost floral note. There is still a slightly unripe tart stone fruit taste. Sweet, fresh, but smokey aftertaste that is sweeter than the tea tasted.
3rd steep 345. Honey and cocoa grain notes coming out underneath the smoke
4th steep 5min smoke tones over grainy and bitter cocoa, still fairly strong
5th steep colour fading honey bread and smoke, lighter flavour but sweeter and less bitter.
Overall it is quite a nice tea and very refreshing

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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15588 tasting notes

sipdown! The rest of this is going over to terri to try. I am really enjoying this tea a bunch. It’s not an overly intense smokey tea – there are sweet notes in it and it’s got a depth to it that i really like. It’s also a very smooth tea to drink. As always, I added a bit of maple syrup to this and i am in my happy place. Gulped this one down before i even realised it was all gone.

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73 tasting notes

Well, that’s a surprise – I just drank a cup of this and thought it was absolutely delicious! I only ordered it (the 10 g sample size) on a whim, because I have thought for a long time that I don’t like lapsang souchong. It’s good to find out things about yourself, even if they’re “You don’t even know what YOU like” kind of things, right? Er, right??

Anyway, I don’t think I’ve even tried one since moving back to Ireland, almost 20 years ago. Maybe tastes have changed, maybe I was drinking it ‘wrong’, or maybe this is just a really good tea. (I think I’m going to send some to cteresa to see what she thinks.) Whatever the reason, I brewed up a cup this morning, with about 1.5 teaspoons (big cup) and then drank it without milk, which is both weaker and milk-less-er than I usually drink the morning caffeine blast. (By milk I mean either soy or almond, and right now it’s almond, as our local grocery store has started stocking Alpro Almond – yay!) I meant to add a small splash of milk about halfway through, but found myself with an empty cup before I knew it. Smooth, slightly sweet and smoky. Not even a hint of bitterness or over-astringency.

I’m so glad I happened to see PureAromaTea’s 25% off Steepster discount, which pushed me into ordering from them! Really enjoying working my way through the teas.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

Oh, thank you for thinking of me, and glad you got converted to lapsang ;) But if you got 10 grams, test it all, just to check.

Lapsang weirdly is for me a afternoon tea, I rarely have it in the morning, dunno quite why – I think it is not too heavy in caffeine usually. Even more strangely it is for me a rainy weather tea, it seems to just taste better when it is raining outside (I know. Going way past sense now). I like lapsang normally, even rough ones, so not sure how good a judge of it I am usually. I got two current favorites, both by Mariage Freres, their Lapsang Souchong Imperial which is really smooth and their Tsar Alexandre which is sort of lapsang souchong earl grey – but that is a new love, maybe just infatuation.


Actually, I think I’d normally want to drink Lapsang in the afternoon too, but this was my third cup, so I had a bit of caffeine-space free for experimentation. I’d be happy to send you some, even if it’s just enough for one cup!


Thanks, but no need, experiment with it!

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3294 tasting notes

This is a pleasant Lapsang, shared with me by (you guessed it) Sil.
The aroma of the leaf is highly smokey, however the actual brewed tea is not nearly as smoky as the aroma would have implied. This is a really tasty Lapsang, & although I’ve grown to love smoky teas, I appreciate the subtleness of this one. It’s also nicely sweet, & went really well with last night’s leftover baked sweet potato, which I chopped up skin & all, & fried in coconut oil with sprinkles of cinnamon, cardamon, & ginger.

I thought there was just enough of this for one pot, but it turns out there was enough for 2, so I drank the first pot plain, with the above mentioned breakfast, & I spiked the second pot with a little Maple syrup, & OMG!!! It’s funny, cuz I enjoy smokey teas plain, but every now & then a little dessert is in order, & I always forget how awesome smokey teas are with Maple. This maple syrup is made in Missouri, from Missouri Maple trees. I’ve bought 3 quarts of it at the farmer’s market so far, & am basically stocking up for next winter.


love me that maple syrup and smoke taste

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