“Day 22 of the Plum Deluxe herbal advent calendar. In theory, this is an interesting flavor combo. In practice, I’m not getting much out of it. Before I looked at the name, I couldn’t even place it...” Read full tasting note
Day 22 of our 2023 Herbal Advent.
I have to admit it was a Pinterest rabbit hole that led me down to this flavor combination – I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it myself, stone fruits love sweet pairings. In this case I saw that white chocolate peach was a great ‘alternative’ flavor for Christmas cookies. What I like about this is it pairs a traditionally summer-y flavor with a traditionally winter-y flavor, giving you the best of both. The combo is unique and different than the individual parts and not what I thought it would be like on first glance.
I don’t have a specific preparation suggestion on this one – the world is your oyster.
INGREDIENTS: Green Rooibos Tea, Red Rooibos Tea, Peach Pieces, Calendula, Peach/White Chocolate Essences
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