Sipdown (607)!
Finished off the last two perfect spoons of this tea as a cold brew; it was nice having something that I could grab really quickly from the fridge throughout the week when I just wanted a quick cup of something refreshing. Definitely tart, hibiscus heavy with a strong elderberry note – and not like ice wine. I think I go back and forth a little bit on whether or not I’m enjoying this tea – the bottom line is that it’s isn’t very accurate in terms of being a “wine” flavour and I don’t think it’s super high quality but it has that generic hibiscus berry profile that sometimes is just really simple and satisfying and other times feels a bit… hollow and rudimentary?
I like to think that this tea knows it’s not super fancy/high quality though – and it’s not trying to be. So that makes it a little more OK in my mind.
Goodbye generic hibby berry blend! You were nice enough!