“A black tea I can drink without milk without gagging.” Read full tasting note
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Red Jade T-18 White Tea, Lot 643 from Taiwan Tea Crafts
Sun Moon Lake Spring Red Jade T-18 Black Tea, Lot 612 from Taiwan Tea Crafts
Health T from Evergreen Teas
Special-T from T Bar Tea Salon
Tahitian Green T-Dust from Sanctuary T
T-Shop Caravan from The T Shop
Creme de la Earl Grey from Tealuxe
Premium Taiwanese Assam from Whispering Pines Tea Company
Persian Choice Royal Earl Grey from Alvin’s of San Francisco
Taiwan Wild 'Shan Cha' Black Tea from What-Cha
Alice from Whispering Pines Tea Company
Lapsang Souchong from Fortnum & Mason