Brisk Mate Dragonfruit

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Yerba maté Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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From Pepsi-Lipton Tea Partnership

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2 Tasting Notes

16603 tasting notes

So the other night I had to sleep over at my mom’s house because our apartment was getting fumigated. Not a huge deal – but a couple apartments on our floor had reported bed bugs so the condo paid for fumigation for every apartment on our floor. We needed to be out of the house for twelve hours afterwards though, so I stayed somewhere else.

Of course didn’t have access to my full range of tea so I just bought a couple different ready to drink options from the gas station near her house. I remembered liking this one last time I tried it, so I revisited it. I still think it’s pretty good – very juice like and the dragonfruit is obviously sweetened. Dragonfruit Punch!? Yup, pretty much. I’m on board for that though.


Oh geez, I really hope they will catch them and they won’t spread to your apartment.

Roswell Strange

So far so good; now that we;re aware that a situation even exists in the first place we’ve been very vigilant.


That’s good. My friend picked them up at a hotel last year and it took at least eight months to get rid of them. Didn’t help that a couple others in her apartment had them. Talk about a nightmare.

Evol Ving Ness

A friend’s mom’s apartment building had them and it was a nightmare. My friend’s mother didn’t appear to have them until see had a visitor stay over who then got symptoms. Not everyone gets symptoms.

Evol Ving Ness

I hope all this goes smoothly and easily chez vous.

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