“First of all, Denmark now has Princess Athena Marguerite Francoise Marie. Very untraditional name, Athena. I’m not sure if it’s a more common name in France, seeing as how Princess Marie, the...” Read full tasting note
“A lovely light oolong. From a sniff of the dry tea you’d expect this light, faintly smokey, slightly raisiny smelling tea to develop into something good. What comes out in the glass is a pale...” Read full tasting note
Light fermentation: 10%.
This is one of the most celebrated teas from Taiwan. Its Chinese name is “wrapped in paper” and reminds us that this tea, before fermentation, is wrapped in a white sheet of cotton paper to preserve the delicacy of its leaves. A very beautiful tea with large, twisted leaves that produces a pale yellow beverage, with a flowery, almost peppery taste that evokes narcissus and jasmine flowers that majestically associate greenness and mildness.
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