Pure Ceylon

A Black Tea from


83 / 100

Calculated from 1 Rating
Tea type
Black Tea
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Organic Black Tea
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Loose Leaf
Typical Preparation
Use 12 oz / 354 ml of water
Set water temperature to Boiling
Steep for 3 min, 0 sec
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1 Tasting Note View all

“My sister just got back from a 2-week trip to Ireland and England (yes, I’m green with jealousy!) and I told her before she went that the only souvenir I wanted was some real British black tea. She...” Read full tasting note


A beautiful ceylon black tea, grown in the misty Greenfield Estate at very high altitutes of the Uva region. Known for its brisk character, this tea infuses to a mahogany liquor and has slightly sweet notes. This tea is an everyday staple in Sri Lanka and is best enjoyed without milk.

The cool climate, mountain soil and the famous trade winds which sweep across the Indian Ocean give this tea its unique Uva character. The Greenfield Estate produces some of the finest high grown teas in Sri Lanka but it maintains two other priorities that define exceptional tea, the people and the environment.

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