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Herbal Tea
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From no name (Loblaws Brand)

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1 Tasting Note

1179 tasting notes

The funniest thing about this tea was when I was trying to add it to the data base, the moderator kept changing the “no name” to unknown brand. Hahahaha!!! I finally had to add “Loblaws Brand” so they would know that “no name” was actually the name of the brand! Here in Canada, the “no name” brand all comes in plain yellow packaging and is a lot cheaper than the name brand products that are their counterparts.
This tea is just okay but I am not going to complain because it cost me a whopping 49 cents for the box.
Very weak and watery but like I said, you get what you pay for.

Flavors: Peppermint


Generic packaging was a big deal in the US in the ‘70s, but you don’t see it now at all—at least in my corner of the Midwest.


I think now it has turned into store brands (like Kirkland at Costco or even arguably a lot of the products at Trader Joe’s that are just store-branded items available elsewhere under other brand names).

Roswell Strange

@kaylee – “no name” is the store brand name. Essentially the Kirkland of a grocery store chain named Superstore. If you Google Image search “no name brand” you’ll see what Jason means. It’s very, very challenging to describe to people if they’ve never seen it before, aha. But the idea is that they save a TON of money on artwork/label design and marketing by using the uniform yellow/black and those savings can either be passed down to customers or used to improve the actual quality of the food product instead.


Yes! Exactly, @Roswell Strange!


Ah! Thanks for the added explainer for the non-Canadian, much appreciated! I also get a kick out of the fact that you have a store actually named Superstore. I loved the tv show of the same name. I assume the actual store came first, but it makes the show that much more pointed.


I’m dating myself here, but this is what I remember from when I was a kid. All black and white. It was weird. https://www.kingwood.com/msg/black-white-label-generic-products.php?p=3378599


gmathis: We had those here very briefly. Plain black and white labels that stated what was in the can or package. It wasn’t long before they started making the packaging more attractive.

Roswell Strange

@gmathis that’s very much what the Canadian no name brand looks like, but yellow instead of white! I wonder if these generic labels were their inspiration?


@gmathis- Oh wow! Yes! Like Roswell Strange said, exactly like the ones we have here except replace the white with yellow. Predominantly carried at a grocery store called “No Frills.” People in my city flock there because they are quite a bit cheaper than high-end grocery stores.

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