“Today I’m sampling Taiping Houkui and Taiping Houkui Superior next to each other. The difference between these two teas is that the regular one is processed partially by machine and the superior is...” Read full tasting note
“I got my Nannuoshan samples today, and had to crack both of my Taipings and compare them! So I measured out 3g and got to it! Appearance: Large leaves! Much flatter and longer than the superior....” Read full tasting note
“I definitely love green teas and this one particularly struck me ’cause of its long, flat and large leaves so i bought it. I have to admit that it is very agreeable and not bitter. I use to brew it...” Read full tasting note
Hard to believe at the first glance, these huge leaves once belonged to a tea bush. The taste, however, will not betray its origin. Taiping Houkui is a fine green tea requiring mastery and care for its production.
TASTE: Clean, smooth, pungent
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