Tea type
Black Green Blend
Black Tea, Jasmine Green Tea, Natural Flavours, Oolong Tea
Grass, Jasmine, Orange Blossom, Rosewood, Vegetable Broth
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  • “Hnnng my dashboard’s stuck again. Notices aren’t updating, and forum’s cache seems to be backed up too. Welp. This’ the first tea I released as part of the ‘Tasting Lab’ aside, which is the “AJ’s...” Read full tasting note

From Murchie's Tea & Coffee

Poet’s Blend is part of the Murchie’s Tasting Lab Online-Exclusive.

Murchie’s has held a long tradition of blending together green and black teas, a practice common since the 1700s. Poet’s Blend fits right into this niche, a medium-light tea pairing jasmine green tea with a south Fujian oolong flavoured with orange blossom. Marrying the two florals to create a subtly crisp and fruity perfume. Rounded out with Keemun and Ceylon teas, this tea makes for a wonderful afternoon blend that pairs particularly well with shortbread.

Orange blossom is a common ingredients in Middle Eastern and North African cooking, as well as parts of Europe. Used as an aromatic ingredient in deserts, mixed drinks, teas, and coffee, and as a popular ingredient in perfumes. Commonly derived from the bitter orange, the aroma and taste of orange blossom is described as heady and floral, citrus-like with a slightly bitter finish.

Tasting Notes: Opens with opulent floral notes of jasmine and orange blossom, following with fresh cut greens before mellowing into a sweet and smooth black, biscuity and slightly brisk. Touched with a pleasant astringency from the orange blossom and teas. This tea is most similar to our Library Blend, bringing together that same balance of fresh jasmine and brisk black teas, with the addition of the potent aroma of orange blossom.

Ingredients: black tea (Ceylon, Keemun), jasmine green tea, oolong tea, orange blossoms, natural orange blossom flavour

About Murchie's Tea & Coffee View company

Since 1894, Murchie’s has been importing and blending the finest quality teas from select gardens around the world. As the decades have passed, the art of tea blending and tradition of excellence are handed down along with the old recipes. Today, Murchie’s offers traditional products and classic blends while also developing new combinations for a new generation of tea drinkers. We are proud to provide blends for events and occasions, from local landmarks to national observations and royal milestones.

1 Tasting Note

480 tasting notes

Hnnng my dashboard’s stuck again. Notices aren’t updating, and forum’s cache seems to be backed up too. Welp.

This’ the first tea I released as part of the ‘Tasting Lab’ aside, which is the “AJ’s given free reign to go wild” section of the website where I release just whatever interests me (within reason). At the moment I’m releasing one exclusive tea every two months, and this was the first.

As part of its release, I wrote a work-blog post about the thoughts and inspiration behind it, but had to cut it WAY back to keep to an acceptable level of “AJ Rambles about History”.

The inspiration behind it (and the next blend) came about after a long period of reading about blending-trends through history (especially the Victorian/Edwardian periods), changes in tea-drinking preferences in the US and UK (the UK dropping interest in green tea in the 1800s following Robert Fortune’s ‘famous discovery’, and the US switching from Chinese green to Japanese green at the same time, before finally dropping interest in green in the 1940s following WWII anti-Japanese sentiments).

This bleeds into the green-black blending trends that fell out of fashion in the late 1800s/early 1900s following all of the above sentiments towards green tea. Plus the disappearance of a number of tea types out of China. Chief among, “Scented Orange Pekoe” and “Scented Caper”s, nebulous names for a group of teas scented with flowers, among them jasmine (with at least one example of jasmine later branching off into its own distinct ‘tea’). When blending-books talk about SOPs, they talk about them being a “blending tea” not a “sipping tea”, and that the flowers used to scent them vary season to season (but can include: orange blossom, osmanthus, olive flower, magnolia, and jasmine).

Most noticeably, no blend guide seems to make a distinction in their blends towards specific scents of SOP, and list it very generically. The way it’s written (both looking at outside blending guides at the time, and looking at internal records of tea companies) seems to imply that the specific scent of the SOP during any given season was simply “what you get is what you get”, and the blends that included SOP were expected to vary in aroma.

This entire thing is probably a subject I might write a full blog post on? Eventually? And to avoid making this tasting note too long. Because what’s a blog for if not to focus all the pent up Interest about a subject. But the entire thing kinda culminated after a supplier was nice enough to send me every floral scented and flavoured tea they had, including an orange blossom flavoured oolong.

Poet’s Blend ended up most similar to Library Blend, in that it’s jasminy and slightly more green-leaning, but lacks bergamot oil. The orange blossom oolong sort of replaces the bergamot for that citrus, but only barely—orange blossom I find barely qualifies as ‘citrus’. It’s a very heady, in-your-face floral, and I think pairs very interestingly with jasmine, though it’s a touch bitter.

As a result, this tea can be slightly finicky with water temperature and timing. But the orange blossom adds a very nice fragrance, and is noticeable in the taste when you slurp. It’s very “spring”. The black teas mostly serve as a soft base, adding just a bit of body. The green and oolongs are more prominent in the actual profile, and then the jasmine and orange blossom dominating.

I realize I haven’t tried this iced, but today’s cup is already cold (got distracted writing), and the orange blossom and jasmine comes through more already, so I think I’ll try and ice it this weekend.

Flavors: Grass, Jasmine, Orange Blossom, Rosewood, Vegetable Broth


Really interesting history drive. Are there sources you regularly turn to for reading up on tea history, or is it piecemeal from wider-lens sources?


Sounds delightful and I love the history you shared!


A little of both. Unfortunately, most old tea manuals are under 100 pages—closer to 20 if you convert them to modern formatting, and only have a chapter or so dedicated to blending (they usually come with the disclaimer that ‘blending can only be learned through years of experience’ and will give you fairly basic info).

So I collect a lot of piecemeal sources on blending, and refer back to several when topics of interest come up. Most books roughly cover the teas of interest during the day (whether their purpose in blending, or just a general summary). They’re old, old terms, so half the fun is trying to figure out what tea it’s referring to (if it even still has a modern equivalent).

Archive.org is definitely your friend.


So cool, thanks for sharing.


It’s always interesting to read about tea history! I read a book about the prevalence of green tea in the U.S. and the switch to black tea after WWII. Your blend also sounds nice. Anything with orange blossom gets a thumbs up from me!


That sounds like “Green With Milk & Sugar”, which was a really solid read.

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