So yesterday I had dental surgery – a root tip extraction from the tooth I broke earlier in the year and a bone graft. Lots I can’t do in the next 48-72 hours including spitting, swishing, rinsing, drinking from a straw, consuming ANY type of alcohol/spicy food, etc…
Honestly I was mostly just really, really tired afterwards so I went and got my prescription (a fancy kind of mouthwash I need to use for the next month) filled and bought a bunch of smoothies/drinks that I can have for something quick and easy and dentist approved for the next few days. This was among the mix, and the first thing I drank when I got home. Probably my favourite Mateina flavour – it’s bright and zesty from the yuzu but also has a thick and jammy raspberry note that’s so saturated and flavourful. Really refreshing!
That gave me the energy to make it a few hours after getting home, but I fairly quickly crashed out and ended up just sleeping for a bulk of the day.
I hope you heal quickly!
I am sorry you had to have that! I hope healing goes without a hitch and you are back to doing everything you want to do!
Wow, hope the recovery is smooth!
I hope you feel better soon and that ice cream is on the list of foods you can eat!
Ack. All dental issues are bad and surgeries are the worst. It reminds me a bit my Wisdom tooth removal. It was growing just in right angle to the other teeth. Perfectly!
And of course I wish you speedy recovery too!