Apricot Matcha

Tea type
Green Matcha Blend
Flavor, Matcha Powder
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Loose Leaf
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From Matcha Outlet

The sweet taste of apricots reminds someone of peaches and combined with the balancing effect of oriental Matcha, makes for true palate entertainment. Apricot Matcha is a sweet treat that can be taken anytime day or night when someone just wants to savor the wonders of their surroundings while enjoying a sumptuous treat. It is also the perfect treat for the special occasions of kids whose guardians want to expand the assortment of refreshment alternatives with great additions. Apricot Matcha can be taken with or without food because it’s fulfilling taste leaves its takers wanting more.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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9 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

Oh dear. This is … bad. I don’t know if my taste buds are off or something. Or if I just got a really bad batch. Or what. But … this tastes of perfume-y soap. I know it’s not the chawan or the chasen because I only rinse my chasen using the left over hot water from my teapot that I heated up for the Matcha, and I know it’s not the chawan because I rinsed it not only after cleaning but I rinse it in hot water before I use it to warm it up a bit before I make the Matcha.

This is bad. I can’t even try to ascertain what else I taste because my taste buds can’t get past the powerful chemical taste here. It tastes really bad. I’m really disappointed, and I’m not going to rate it, because I don’t know if the fault is mine, or if it’s with the Matcha… I will try it again another time … just not again tonight. I hope it is a case of taste buds being off and not the Matcha.

Autistic Goblin

sometimes you can never tell until you do it again. Of course it takes awhile to try again if your anything like me and get scared of putting it in your mouth :D


I have loved every other Matcha that I’ve tried from RLT and I love apricots … but, this just … I can’t taste the apricot because all I do taste is that icky taste. :( I’m very sad. I had high hopes for it.

Daisy Chubb

I had the same problem with one flavour as well :B I’m not sure what it is..

Matcha Outlet

When you try it again, do me a favor and try using 1/2of flavored matcha and add 1/2 of regular, non-flavored matcha. Let me know if this improves the taste. In some rare cases too much flavor can be bad. I’m not sure here. Not all flavors can be hit, some are just not that great. I’m sorry if you had a bad experience with this one.


I will try your suggestion and see how it affects the flavor. After I dumped this and tried another tea with which I was more familiar, though, I realized that my palate seems up to par… so I don’t know. But I will give it another chance, and hopefully the next time will be better.


I had high hopes for this one as I am an Apricot NUT

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2238 tasting notes

It’s the turn of apricot today. I’m coming towards the end of my matcha samples, which is incredibly sad for one special reason. I was just going to place an order with Matcha Outlet, now they stock sample packages and ship to the UK. That was until I realised that the shipping was going to cost $47, and seems to be flat rate. A few small samples of tea powder absolutely do not cost anything like that to post, and I don’t have that kind of cash to splash at the moment anyway, so that’s off. It’s a real shame, because Red Leaf/Matcha Outlet have the best flavours, and at the moment there’s nothing comparable in the UK. It’s sad face time, boys and girls.

This latte, though. I’m actually liking this a little more than I did last time, although it’s there’s still a touch of soapy floral that’s hard to ignore once you’ve tasted it. Having said that, it’s mostly apricot, and that’s all good with me. It’s not the most natural tasting apricot, admittedly, but it’s pretty good. It’s actually reminding me a little of…something. Some kind of gummy sweet? Wine Gums? Were there orange wine gums? If there were, then that’s what I’m tasting. Sweet, slightly syrupy, artificial apricot. It’s nicer than it sounds.


I can’t believe their shipping is so high now! I got a few samples back when they did them originally and it always cost me $3.99!


I bought some on etsy last year, and it was high but not outrageous – maybe about £8? $47 is just ridiculous. Also sad, because it means no Rich Berry Pie for me :(


It’s such a shame, because they’re losing custom too. Maybe one day when my cupboard is more under control and I’m running low on matcha I’ll try to get some of the UK-based Steepsterites together for a group order.

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1113 tasting notes

100% honest review:
Sipping this three times to make sure of the taste was the closest I have ever came to tearing because of a tea. This is utterly terrible.
Here’s how I imagine this being created: tencha is sprayed with apricot flavoring, dried, grounded…

Resulting in a lingering chemical funk.


Some of the worst tea I’ve ever had has been from Red Leaf. When they’re good they’re GOOD, but when they’re bad… horrendous.

Liquid Proust

I couldn’t just taste it once to be fair… it was painful…


I recommend a little more leaf :)

Roswell Strange

Sorry your experience was so unpleasant LP; this one was definitely from me way back when. I definitely don’t think this is representative of RLT’s flavored matcha and hope that you’ll try some of the other flavours they carry (if we swap again I can send you a sampling of what I’ve got). I can’t say I’ve got a suggestion for you to make this one better though as I’ve been very back and forth on it myself: some cups are alright (not awesome) but others are down right AWFUL as well…

Liquid Proust

There are a few I am wanting to try and will eventually get to, but for now I have enough matcha from YUNOMI to last me awhile. I know that I will stay away from things like Pizza Matcha though. You’d think fruit would pair well, but as someone who blends tea… I know that if you don’t use the right kind of flavoring you will end up with something terrrrrrrrible. Their vanilla matcha is quite nice though, I drank a decent amount of it with my mom. I still have some chocolate matcha of theirs that I haven’t even opened.

Matcha Outlet

I’m sorry for the bad experience. We have over 130 flavors. Some are great, some are good and apparently a few are not…
Please do not judge all of our products by this one.

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16956 tasting notes

Sipdown (136)!

The rest of this matcha is going to Scheherazade where hopefully it will be appreciated! Gotta share the matcha love, am I right?

I’m sipping this down in two parts: the first is whisked into some almond milk, which was very tasty but really strong. It actually reminded me a little bit of DAVIDsTEA’s Nutty By Nature mate blend which was stonefruit and nuts. I believe I also commented on that blend that it was a little too sweet/cloying for my tastes but the idea behind the pairing was good. That’s my feelings about this matcha milk: almond and apricot go together splendidly, but this is just much too sweet. It probably doesn’t help I’m using vanilla almond milk which is sweeter in the first place.

The second part is in pasta: I made shell pasta and yellow bell peppers for brunch with a really rich sauce made from figs, goat cheese, garlic, almond milk and apricot matcha. I know that sounds like there’s a lot going on but the flavours work wonderfully together to make something very rich and creamy with a great contrast between the savory garlic and the bright, sweetness of the apricot/fig. Everything is well represented and delicious!

This wasn’t my favourite matcha overall but it wasn’t bad at all either! Some fun and interesting things came from experimenting with it.


That sauce sounds amazing.

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