“Mangosteen Matcha So as you know I am on a matcha tea roll here sucking down as much as I possibly can. I feel like I may turn into the indestructible Matcha Monster anytime soon which I can...” Read full tasting note
“Mangosteen is a pretty unusual fruit. I had mangosteen-flavored things often as a kid, growing up in the city has many advantages when it comes out to trying exotic fruits and veggies! But...” Read full tasting note
“Sipdown! Yay! Finished this up this morning. I’ve really been enjoying the matcha powders unsweetened with almond milk. Super tasty. (Super tasty in the way that I really like matcha with almond...” Read full tasting note
The mangosteen fruit, although has a similar name, has no relationship with the well known mango fruit. The mangosteen fruit has its origins in the rich tropical regions of South East Asia where it is often used in making the delicious desserts. Unlike the mango, mangosteen turns a rich purple when it ripens. The benefits of this special fruit can be derived from its rind as well as its fleshy centre.
When taken as a tea it can be ground into a powder that is mauve in color and mixed with Matcha to add to its delicate taste and health advantages. Mangosteen Matcha with its deeply Eastern tradition can be used to grace tea parties in many western cities because it forms a tasty social drink and also because of its outstanding antioxidant properties. These include;
An extraordinarily high concentration of xanthones which are naturally occurring antioxidants.
Fighting resident infections and keeping the body safe from future infections.
Reducing uncomfortable inflammations on the body that may be caused by allergies or other causes.
Aiding the respiratory system with its antihistamine properties.
Treating disfiguring skin illnesses such as eczema and psoriasis.
Treating cancer tumors that have been detected early.
Enhancing the body’s natural vitality by fighting fatigue and lethargy.
Lowering hypertension and keeping the cardiovascular system in perfect working condition.
On top of being a social drink for all occasions, Mangosteen Matcha is a redeeming drink that should be at the bedside of any ailing person.
Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.
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