I’ve been having weird tooth pains ever since I got a bit of apple stuck between two of my teeth at a Starbucks in Westchester while we were on holiday. It got REALLY bad Sunday night, with my gum all swollen and my teeth feeling all tender when I try to eat stuff. So… soft foods, and because I seem to recall cloves being beneficial for tooth pain, an easy chai I could take a few bags with me to the office.
It’s still a good, solid chai, this one. The spices are balanced and the base is solid and not bitter at a 4 minute steep. I can tell there’s clove in there, and it’s cozy along with the other spices. I like that the package actually tells you by percentage how much of everything is in there. Made properly milky, this is a solid everyday drinking.
And my tooth is feeling WAY better. Careful soft foods for the next week or so and if it stays fine, I think I can get away with not seeing a dentist! Yippee!
Yikes, shame on apples for causing such chaos. You’re supposed to be healthy! I’m glad it’s better though.
If it helps, I read a book about remineralizing teeth when I had a similar issue. Highly nutritive foods, as close to raw as possible, heal these sorts of things (it did for me). So, sashimi, grass fed dairy & meats, liver, cod liver oil, and some highly healing tea (ie ClariTea). Hope it helps, and that you feel better soon!