“Before I get into how this tea tasted, I added this as a new entry even though there’s a generic Crystal Malt one—they come in 3 different levels, so I thought it’d be easier to have an entry for...” Read full tasting note
Crystal malts are high-nitrogen malts that are wetted and roasted in a rotating drum before kilning. They produce strongly sweet toffee-like flavors. Crystal malts are available in a range of colors, with darker-colored crystal malts; that is, those kilned at higher temperatures, producing stronger, more caramel-like overtones. Those kilned at lower temperatures are slightly sweeter with more tamed caramel notes. The Crystal ranges are 20,40,60,90 and 120. These numbers represent their lovibond (L) scale. The lower numbers are lighter/sweeter and the higher numbers are darker/more carmelized.
Crystal 120 is the most carmelized of all the Crystal Malts. It shows a deep red color and produces caramel, nutty and toffee like flavors.
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