Organic Yunnan Black

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea Leaves
Apple Skins, Apricot, Black Pepper, Bread, Caramel, Drying, Grain, Honey, Malt, Maple, Mineral, Paper, Peppercorn, Peppermint, Rosehips, Smooth, Tannin, White Grapes
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Fair Trade, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by mike-from-little-red-cup-tea
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 5 oz / 150 ml

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6 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Clearing up samples. boiling, Brita filtered tap, 3.1g in 80 mL shibo, 20s steeps, 4×. 5th was a kill steep (4th was already weak) that just tasted like leaf water. Mainly malty notes, some honey,...” Read full tasting note
  • “From SkySamurai a while ago, thanks very much!  I keep trying this, but the flavor always seems a bit muted for my ideal Yunnan, so I haven’t written a note.  I tried to overleaf this time.  It was...” Read full tasting note
  • “aw yisss. this was left forgotten in my last (?) sipsby box. I had to cancel that subscription bc I was in TOO DEEP and was drowning in samples. this was another box that was brought to work, where...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea to me as well is responsible for waking the tea head in me. This is just a very comforting tea. I feel like it isn’t the most forgiving tea to brew. It will brew strong and dry, and I...” Read full tasting note

From Little Red Cup Tea Co.

Our Yunnan Black (滇紅茶) hails from Lincang, a stone’s throw from Burma and home to some of the oldest cultivated tea in the world. Hand picked and tightly rolled, the golden tipped leaves produce a deep amber brew — with light notes of grapes and honey. An instant classic.

About Little Red Cup Tea Co. View company

We're a family-owned Maine company dedicated to importing traditional high quality Chinese tea. Our teas are organic, Fair Trade, whole leaf, and always delicious. Little Red Cup tea is a revelation, if not a revolution.

6 Tasting Notes

306 tasting notes

Clearing up samples. boiling, Brita filtered tap, 3.1g in 80 mL shibo, 20s steeps, 4×. 5th was a kill steep (4th was already weak) that just tasted like leaf water. Mainly malty notes, some honey, not sure I agree with grapes. Very classic hongcha profile. 1 and 2 had a decent Chinese rock/cube sugar like aftertaste you get with some hongcha. 3rd steep had some bitterness; nothing unbearable. Tiny bit of dryness, but forget which steeps. Wouldn’t repurchase, and I’m guessing they gave me a little extra in my sample, so the $/g of .143 for me isn’t quite accurate based on recently checking the site, but if that was the true price, you could do much worse. Had this late though, and the caffeine took a hit on me. I only slept for 2ish hours before waking back up, and going back to sleep some 4 hours later.

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4337 tasting notes

From SkySamurai a while ago, thanks very much!  I keep trying this, but the flavor always seems a bit muted for my ideal Yunnan, so I haven’t written a note.  I tried to overleaf this time.  It was still very light on the first steep, but I went for a long steep that second steep and it was much deeper and delicious with a sweet smoky note.  Sweet potato & squash.  The second steep: THAT’S the Yunnan profile I’m looking for.  It was a satisfying tea today.  Maybe the trick with this tea is to steep it only once, but very long.  I will try that next time. 

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81 tasting notes

aw yisss. this was left forgotten in my last (?) sipsby box. I had to cancel that subscription bc I was in TOO DEEP and was drowning in samples. this was another box that was brought to work, where it has been sitting in a drawer that is never opened….which is a SHAME because this is all grape-y, malty, bread-y goodness. it is exactly what I needed on this slow day, when all I want/need is to go home and nap for five hours. or however long Percy will left me sleep before she starts yelling in my face for her treats.

SPEAKING OF PERCY, since it’s been quite a while since I’ve updated here….not that anyone is particularly interested in my cat..but, I’m gonna write about her anyway. Percy started having seizures a few months back, I casually mentioned this to my sister (who I rehomed Percy from) and she was like “yeah, she had seizures here too” and like, uh, that is something that MAYBE she should have mentioned before, because I was (obviously) very concerned about what in our home/environment might have caused the seizures. and it actually made me really upset, bc the original plan for Percy, before I took her in, was that she was going to be rehomed from my sister’s place to the FARM where my brother-in-law found her two years prior (the farm belongs to his family). before Christmas. when it’s COLD outside. two vet visits later and they think she has idiopathic epilepsy, which I would need to go out of town to confirm (no one in town has the ability to do the tests required). this is something that I want to do later this year, but for now I am keeping her unmedicated and am recording any seizures in a notebook so that I can tell her vet about them. I worry about the medication because it is potentially a life-long thing and she is so young, plus it could compromise her kidneys. she would have to go in every six months to do bloodwork….for the rest of her life, basically. she doesn’t have seizures everyday or anything. it’s about 3 a month, which is on the verge of where the vet would want her to be medicated. other than the seizures, which she seems unfazed by, Percy has started to come out of her shell quite a bit and has a hilarious personality. it’s so nice to see her being so sassy, even while still being pretty skittish. I’ve been contemplating getting her a cat-friend because I think it would improve her quality of life….so we’ll see about that!


Oh no, people are definitely interested in your cat! I’ve never dealt with a cat having seizures; I hope there isn’t anything wrong and that she doesn’t need to go on medication. Also, cat friends are awesome and they must help with boredom, even if they aren’t the best of friends!


I haven’t either! I learned that seizures aren’t treated in cats as often as with dogs. I’m hoping for more studies about giving cats cbd oil will pop up, bc that sounds like something that could potentially be beneficial…but there’s not really much information about it and I’m weirdly obsessive about needing ALL the information. WEIRDLY though, a co-worker has a cat that has seizures as well, she said that as her cat has gotten older, the fewer seizures that she has, which is interesting.

and yes!! I think cats are better in pairs! it’s just about finding the Right One (I actually have a list of things to think about while looking, hahaha. :-/)


Someone else mentioned a raisin tea, and I was trying to think of raisin teas around here. I had this one in my hand this morning! I must try this one soon!
Also, yes I want Percy updates! It’s terrible to hear what she is going through but awesome that she is adjusting better.

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22 tasting notes

This tea to me as well is responsible for waking the tea head in me. This is just a very comforting tea. I feel like it isn’t the most forgiving tea to brew. It will brew strong and dry, and I have found that brewing with a bit cooler water, helps bring out the malty, honey sweetness of the tea.

Flavors: Apple Skins, Apricot, Black Pepper, Bread, Caramel, Drying, Grain, Honey, Malt, Maple, Mineral, Paper, Peppercorn, Peppermint, Rosehips, Smooth, Tannin, White Grapes

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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1719 tasting notes

This tea was sent to me by Little Red Cup and is the reason I have come out of tea note retirement. I love Yunnan tea. Assam is great when I need to wake up. Ceylon I like with flavors and is my base of choice for Earl Grey. Yunnan is my warm cozy slow down tea.

The leaf looks just like the picture. It is long thin light twists of gold and browns. I pretty much expect the leaf to look this way. What I did not expect, in addition to the malty, honey, scents, is a fruitiness that resembles grapes and a neat pepperiness.

I Brewed this strong (on purpose) and the cup is a deep reddish hue as opposed to the amber mentioned by LRC. The taste matches the aroma perfectly. There is a touch of dryness that may disappear if you don’t make it so strong.

It is a dreary rainy day here, and this Yunnan black is providing just the comfort I need.

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