Organic Se Chung Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Floral, Nutty, Stonefruit
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Edit tea info Last updated by __Morgana__
Average preparation
165 °F / 73 °C 5 min, 15 sec 40 oz / 1196 ml

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From LeafSpa Organic Tea

This unique oolong from Fujian Province consists of dark fermented, unrolled charcoal brown leaves with greenish highlights. A sophisticated dark amber liquor reveals flavors of chrysanthemums and peonies with a spicy-peppery finish.

Origin of Primary Ingredient: China
Certified Organic Tea: Yes

Ingredients: Organic oolong tea

About LeafSpa Organic Tea View company

LeafSpa Organic Tea is an importer, blender and retailer of premium quality organic and Fair Trade Certified teas. LeafSpa is also proud to offer their new line of organic spa products and bath accessories all made with the purest tea leaves on earth.

8 Tasting Notes

190 tasting notes

this was the first tea I could get my hands on this morning, so I drank it again. Very tasty and just what I needed. I like darker oolongs, but I also like the greener ones. I love that oolongs have such variety within the category.

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596 tasting notes

Just on my first infusion, but boy, this is good! A bit of roast, pepper and maybe some camphor at the finish. Lively green notes, too!

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2037 tasting notes

Hi all! I’m back from Scotland, though I wish I was still there. We had a wonderful time. We spent about four days sightseeing in Glasgow, three in Edinburgh, and took trips to Stirling, Loch Lomond, Loch Ness and Inverness, St. Andrews, and many other places along the way to each of these. And we rode the Jacobite Steam train, aka Hogwarts express. I have a few pictures up at my web site in my latest post there that show some of the castles and lakes (or lochs, I should say) we saw, and the train. I have about a gazillion other photos, of course. Take a peek if you like at

My older son got an authentic kilt and he looks amazing in it. We have many great stories to tell from our travels, and I have some new weird ideas for fiction. Now if only I could move to a cottage in the highlands where I could get away from it all and write them!

But you probably want to know about this tea? (Not that it matters a lot since the company is out of business.) Here’s the skinny. I needed some iced tea, or so I thought, to power the packing before Scotland. So even though I didn’t taste this steeped hot first, I decided to try an oolong cold brew since I had a lot of this.

I dutifully cold brewed, removed the leaves, put it back in the fridge. And completely forgot about it.

Fast forward two weeks later, when we got back from Scotland. I wondered whether I dare try it or whether it would be spoiled. The back of my fridge is pretty cold. Indeed, things have been known to ice up there, and this was in the back. So I risked it. Not only wasn’t it spoiled, it tasted terrific. I am now a huge fan of oolong cold brew, at least the roasty toasty kind of dark oolong in cold brew. I haven’t tried making a green oolong cold brew, but now I want to give it a go.

The one thing I didn’t do in Scotland that I should have was drink tea. I just never thought about it while I was there because it was just me with the two kids and we were on the go constantly, but that was a missed opportunity. We did have some lovely haggis and cullen skink, though. ;-)

Hope all is well with everyone!

Iced 8 min or more 8 tsp 64 OZ / 1892 ML

Trip looks/sounds great!


Nice to see you morgana, sounds like you had such a lovely trip, yay :-)


oooooo I want to visit Scotland one day.


Glad you had so much fun!


Thanks, all! It was tremendous!

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