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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “From the Here’s Hoping TTB. Not what I expected from a Keemun. The taste is very spicy (clove/cinamon) rather than the smoky flavor I expect from a Keemun. The tea was well-made, so someone else...” Read full tasting note
  • “Additional notes: This was a teabox tea from two years ago, stored in a thin baggie. (I’ve got a big freezer bag full of old teabox teas I had to remove.) I had to remove it due to number of...” Read full tasting note

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3 Tasting Notes

314 tasting notes

From the Here’s Hoping TTB.

Not what I expected from a Keemun. The taste is very spicy (clove/cinamon) rather than the smoky flavor I expect from a Keemun. The tea was well-made, so someone else might really like it, but I’m not that wild about the flavor – it just rubbed me the wrong way.

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4337 tasting notes

Additional notes: This was a teabox tea from two years ago, stored in a thin baggie. (I’ve got a big freezer bag full of old teabox teas I had to remove.) I had to remove it due to number of times I saw it in the HH teabox. So I did write a note for it back then, but I probably also tried it when it was old and stored horribly. However, this time it has even LESS flavor. Is it even possible for a keemun to be flavorless? I don’t know… I could just toss the last serving or two but I’ll probably feel horrible about it. At least it’s caffeine? I DO wonder why I’m drinking ancient teas though, when I have so many awesome teas to try at the moment. I can use the excuse I was trying to clear the mint flavor from my infuser with an older tea…


I feel so horrible to toss things out too but they just sit there and collect dust >.< lol, but still… I can’t.


Oh, I know you’re talking about servings, I was just sharing a strange thing about my personality :P.

Mastress Alita

I used to be that way. I even paid the shipping before to give tea away on CupOnMe reddit to get tea out of my house, but the last time I did that the person couldn’t even be bothered to tell me thank you after I paid $13 in shipping and that really rubbed me the wrong way. So now I’m kinda at that point where I feel like, “Like if too short to drink bad tea” and depending on the amount of tea and the desirability of finding a new home for it, I have lightened up my qualms about chucking out a tea. Like today I discovered my migraine-sensitive stomach can no longer drink coffee-heavy teas, and I have 2 ounces of one. I know these aren’t popular on Steepster, so regifting it would be more trouble than it is worth. There is no way I can drink all of that without burning a hole through my stomach. It’s likely going to end in the bin.


I know, Kawaii, I hate throwing anything out. SOMEONE had to buy it and include it in the teabox.
Mastress Alita – that sucks about the unappreciative person. Hopefully that was just one incident. And maybe they WERE appreciative, they just forgot to throw you a note. And sorry about coffee teas not being for you – if it’s the Ethiopian from your tasting notes, it sounds good to me. haha.


Oh wait, but then it mentions ACTUAL coffee grounds in the blend? Odd. You could always have stash sales on the forum…

Mastress Alita

Oh, it tastes fine. It’s not the taste of coffee I have a problem with, my stomach/GI has become very weak/sensitive due to my migraines and it’s the acidity of the coffee that is the problem… I get like, a sour stomach/heartburn sort of feeling? And yes, it has powdery coffee grounds in it, not just whole beans like you usually find in blends.


But that’s what is weird… I’ve never heard of coffee GROUNDS in a tea before.. just the beans. haha

Mastress Alita

Ya, it’s super strong, may as well just brew a proper pot of coffee, tastes the same! That’s why my stomach was in shambles. I don’t recall having that issue with the beans because they just give off the coffee flavor but don’t really have the potent caffeine or high acidity of the grounds.


I am the same way! Can’t give up on anything to save my life. Currently drinking down my stash before I allow myself any new purchases, but some of my teas are 4 years old at this point…


Just worked it out and I actually think my oldest teas are probably over 5 years old now. Yikes!


Yeah, I’m trying to hold off on acquiring more tea at this point. :D

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